French Connection tank, Bebe silk pants, Johnny Wujek for Modern Vintage shoes, Banana Republic necklace
Quite possibly my new favorite shoes? 6 inches! I die!
Also, I hadn't bought anything from Bebe in years, but these pants are pretty nice! And silk! And on clearance! Respect, Bebe. Respect.
What I wore to Cloud-of-Tulle's birthday dinner at Catalan. It was my 4th time there, and although I've enjoyed all of my past experiences there, this time was disappointing. Everything tasted oversalted.
I was supposed to leave for Cozumel tomorrow, but both sets of parents are guilt tripping us about SWINE FLU EPIDEMIC. We explained that the chances of contracting were low, it targets the elderly/children, the World Health Organization has not declared it to be a pandemic, etc...
However, arguing with reason to asian parents does not bode well.
So like any good child, we relented and cancelled our trip. SADDINGS.
So we're going to Hawaii the Bahamas (?) nowhere instead!
Looks like everyone else had the same cancel-and-rebook idea. Continental says EVERYTHING is booked. FAIL.