Dark Chocolate Puds

For Valentine's Day, the bf and I ate at Arcadia, the new Michael Minna restaurant. For dessert, we ordered some molten chocolate cake thing. While it was delicious, I conceded that the Godiva Chocolate Cake at Morton's was better - if not for the heaping scoop of Haagen Dazs vanilla and fresh berries that come with it.

I managed to find a simple, but similar recipe online that doesn't involve the horrifying word "souffle" (so hard to make!)

Dark Chocolate Puds
GoodFood Magazine: 101 Tempting Desserts.


  • 8 tbsp butter, chopped and extra for greasing
  • 4 tbsp plain plour, plus extra for dusting
  • 100g (about 1/2 cup) bar dark chocolate, broken
  • 8 cubes of GOOD dark chocolate
  • 3 eggs
  • 6 tbsp superfine sugar (can also put regular granulated sugar through food processor)


  1. Preheat oven at 400F. Butter and lightly flour muffin tray.
  2. Melt dark chocolate and butter in microwave, roughly 2 mins.
  3. Whisk eggs and sugar until mixture leaves a trail on top when whisk blades are lifted.
  4. Stir in flour, then chocolate mixture.
  5. Pour into muffin tray.
  6. Push in a cube of dark chocolate into center of each (nice and deep!).
  7. Place on baking tray and bake 16-20mins.
  8. Cool for 5 mins, and turn out onto plates.
  9. Serve with vanilla icecream and tart berries (like raspberries!). Serves 8

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