Banana Republic satin trim tee, DVF pencil skirt, Jimmy Choo pumps

Happy Friday!

Here's a work outfit.

Sometimes (like this particular day pictured above) I go to work with dirty hair because I'm late to work. I justify this by reasoning that you're not even SUPPOSED to wash your hair everyday, lest you strip the oils from your hair. But I don't know...I couldn't ever get on board with that idea. I'm very pro-washing-your-hair-daily.

But on THOSE DAYS when you wake up late, greasy scalp is unavoidable. I used to just tie it back in a pony tail on those greasy days but I recently discovered Psssssst Instant Spray Shampoo and it's allowed me to leave my hair down for an extra day.

You spray it at the roots, fluff it up, and brush out. Does it totally eliminate the need for a shower? No - I still feel kind of greasy. However, it helps w/ the greasiness and smells OK.

15 comments :: PSSSSSST

  1. I agree with the whole I-Have-To-Wash-My-Hair-Everyday-Or-Else-It-Gets-Gross-and-Greasy. Although I also know that it's bad for our long hair too. I'll have to try out the dry shampoo, I'm always worried that it'll be like mixing baby powder with lotion (ala: Ross on Friends).

    Happy Friday!

  2. This kind of skirt look so good in you ..

    yeahhh friday!!
    pd . sorry for my spanglish :P

  3. love this look! simple yet sophisticated

  4. Have you tried Batiste Dry Shampoo? It freshens your hair between washes- it really does work.

  5. haha that PSSSST can looks like those fake cans that hide stuff.

    and FANCY shoes at work. good job

  6. woohoo new shoes! =)

    i heard about PSSST too.. should try it out since I tend to have greasy hair at times too. Its like okay in the morning then gets worse as the day goes by.....

  7. A sexy and professional work attire. You look great!!!

  8. I agree with Sade Jasal above. Batiste is one of the better dry shampoos, along with Oscar Blandi's. I keep one in my bathroom and in my kit.

  9. You look amazing, very classy!

  10. so chic and feminine, i like it :)
    good idea with the dry shampoo, i know about it, but never try
    kisses :)

  11. classic and your heels are sexy yet elegant..=)

  12. Loving the skirt! And what with having curly hair, I can't actually shampoo daily otherwise I would be drowned frizz. Although I do condition daily, just to take care of it.

  13. i swear by that dry shampoo (and swear when my sister 'borrows it' and uses a whole can). Great outfit btw, looks so classy without being fussy or cold.

  14. u luk absolutely gorgeuuuuuuuus!PRETTY WOMAN!!!!!!!!

  15. I've only tried the dry shampoo by Ojon and I love it, love the smell but mannnn, it's so expensive! Might give Psssst a go if I can find it in Houston...

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